Summer Calendar Listings
for the Library and beyond
Aug 7th, 7-9:30 JEMS Contra Dancing (Jay Green)
Aug. 11 10AM KV Church Choir (UCC, Keene Valley Church service)
Aug. 12, 7:30 Tanzania & Mt Kilimanjaro Presenter: Doug Downs (KVLA Talk)
Aug 12, film: ToyStory (Amos&Julia Ward Theater in Jay)
Aug. 18 10AM Martha Gallagher (UCC, Keene Valley Church service)
Aug 19, 7:30 Annual Meeting (KVLA)
Aug 19, 7:PM film: E.T. (Amos&Julia Ward Theater in Jay)
August 25 3:00 Champlain Trio Concert (EBFA 144 O’Toole Rd)
Aug. 25 10AM Dan Berggren (UCC, Keene Valley Church service)
Aug 25, 7:PM film: Ratatouille (Amos&Julia Ward Theater in Jay)
September 1, 4:00 Seagle Festival (KVCC)
Sept. 1 10AM Hymn Sing (UCC, Keene Valley Church service)
September 6-8, Divergent Spectrums: multi media art show (Keene Arts)
September 15, 4:00 Homonkulus, Concert featuring Seamus Blake (KVCC)
September 29, 3:00 North Meets South-ADK Musicians play Latin American Music (KVCC)
October 12 7:30 Susana Frade Concert (KVCC)